Australia’s Contribution to Antarctic Climate Science

Logo_Tharos_fondotranspAustralia’s involvement in CCAMLR is long dated, with CCAMLR’ head office located in Tasmania. Australia’s contribution to Antarctic climate science is well known and highly respected.

This 2008 report was edited by D. Michael Stoddart from the Australian Antarctic Division. It shows that Australia has played a significant role in many aspects of high-latitude climate research over several decades.

Australia’s Antarctic program, unlike that of most other nations, is conducted as part of the Government’s stated goals for Antarctica as expressed through its approved Science Strategy. The program strongly encourages interdisciplinary approaches needed to enable Australia to predict the consequences of changes on the environment as a whole.

Many international researchers participate in the program; in 2006/07 scientists from 116 institutions in 29 countries conducted about 120 projects. The program is open to researchers from around the world who wish to pursue studies in line with the Government’s approved Science Strategy.

Read full report here.

Dimitri Sclabos
Dimitri Sclabos

Founder and Co-owner