Lipids in Raw Krill

Seasonal Variations.
Internal Working Material.
Average All Regions CCAMLR FAO 48).
Version R&D 2006 (Pub. 2006).
South Antarctic raw krill lipid content varies mainly dependant on seasonality, fishing ground and krill’s own biologically conditions. Orkney and Elephant Islands show a higher raw krill fat content (4.0 ~ 6.0% w/w) while fishing within the middle of each season. On the opposite, at the corners of each season, in regions such as the Antarctic Peninsula, raw krill fat content is at its lowest (2.0 ~ 3.0 % w/w). Statistical factor considered; (a) Fishing region; (b) Seasonality; (c) Size of krill (mm from eyes to tip of tail – “r” larger:fatter); (d) Color of krill


Protected files: Raw Krill Fat Seasonal Composition Version 1.pdf


Picture of Dimitri Sclabos
Dimitri Sclabos

Founder and Co-owner